Meet Your Seed Growers, Theresa & Dan

What is more frustrating than diligently and expectantly planting seeds-- only to have NOTHING grow? We know, friends. We've had that experience too.
Our goal is your success... the success of your gardening efforts.
You invest a lot of time, energy and resources into your garden. It is meant to be a place of renewal, growth and abundance.
We can help!
From our gardens to yours....
Our focus is providing you with strong, resilient seeds of 'work-horse' varieties; varieties that will help you be successful.
We've been seed producers and contract growers for other garden seed companies since 1997. All of our seed is grown on our farm near Fullerton, ND, which has been certified organic since 1977... when you order seed from us, you KNOW where your seed comes from, how it was grown, and whose hands harvested them for you.
We have the seed...
You need seeds that will reward you with strong germination, vigorous growth, and ultimately--abundance for your family's table! We select the plumpest, heaviest seeds for you-- seeds that will pop out of the ground and take off.
Yes, our varieties need to perform, but they also need to taste good. Nothing makes us happier than being able to share these seeds with you.
We are USDA certified organic-- and REAL Organic certified!
Our seed is certified organic by Where Food Comes From Organic under our farm name, Prairie Road Organic Farm. We are also Real Organic certified-- our crops are grown in fertile soils!
Click here to see all of the varieties we offer for your growing and eating pleasure!
From our table to yours... Eat well, Dear Friends!