Gotta say, "Happy Earth Day!"
I feel like Earth Day is kinda like New Years Day— full of new resolutions. And, yes, everyday is a new beginning and I know I can do better and need to step up. You too? We’re all in this together! We can help!!
Monitoring your plastic use? Concerned about biodiversity? Us too. Two reasons we’re thrilled to bring you— Wild Wax Wraps!
Beeswax has antibacterial and anti-viral properties, making it ideal for storing food. You've probably seen beeswax wraps but have you tried them? Not yet? Well, maybe you were holding out for these!! Our wraps are handmade using beeswax from native forests in India, home to the wild honeybee known as the ‘Rock Bee’ (Apis dorsata).

Apis dorsata aka the Rock Bee!
They're much bigger than domestic honeybees and they live in the wild— in forests and jungles. They’re an important wild pollinator and honey producer in tropical rainforests and across Asia. Their honeycombs can measure up to nearly 5 feet! This one isn't quite THAT big but look at this! 👀
A 'wild' honeycomb from the one of the world's largest honeybees!
The bees attach the honeycombs to rocks or the branches of tall trees. Tribal communities in India have strong connections with the forest and its inhabitants. These bees play a vital role in their culture.
Climbing rocks and trees to collect honey and honeycomb is a time-honored tribal tradition and skill, honed and taught down through the generations. It can be extremely dangerous but the sustainable harvest of honey and beeswax is a part of their traditional culture and provides vital resources to support their subsistence lifestyle.
It’s a mutually beneficial relationship. This relationship supports biodiversity by ensuring the protection of the forests and the bees. At the same time it’s providing a source of livelihood for the native people who take care of them. They need each other!
And isn’t that just a mini story of the type of relationship we all have with our precious earth. Whether we climb trees and rocks to gather honey, have a backyard beehive, or purchase honey from a beekeeper. Or wax wraps from us!
Celebrate Earth Day with us by ditching the plastic wrap and choosing Wild Wax Wraps instead. Store your favorite snacks and foods or cover a bowl with these plastic-free, biodiversity-friendly wraps.
So easy to use! The warmth of your hands softens the wax as you shape and mold, creating a seal. To clean, just wash with cold water and dish soap, rinse, and air dry.
Instead of single use plastic wrap, Wild Beeswax Wraps can be reused over and over. AND they can be refreshed— which I'll address in a future blog post! Finally they are compostable! Or you can use them as a natural fire starter for your next campfire.
Choose the size and style that’s right for you! Our beeswax wraps come in a variety of sizes to fit your needs and patterns to fit your personality! And there's a 13” x 39” roll that allows you to cut to size. Or choose our pre-cut, pre-made sets— 3 pc small, medium and large; 5 piece minis, or 2 piece snack and sandwich bags. See our entire collection here! Please note-- supplies are limited, so get yours now!
A diversity of sizes and patterns for Wild Wax Wraps!
Reduce your plastic footprint! Support biodiversity! Enter into those mutually beneficial relationships— we all do better when we all do good!
Our best to you,Theresa & Dan